30 June, 2015

On Poverty & Economic Means

Poverty is a social evil that should not exist in this age of technological and social human achievement. Humanity has now the means to organise human effort in a structured manner and focus that energy into creating abundance from even the most meager resources.

Poverty is about the willingness of man to help other men. The world has enough to offer fulfillment to mankind. It is not about the scarcity of wealth, but the unlimited greed of man, of the will-to-power of man over other men. 

The history of the world is a study of the struggle of societies making a living, a contrast of means: of violence of man against man, and peaceable exchange. It is only through peaceable exchange has man found the key to bring prosperity to all, to alleviate poverty and bring about abundance.

Man has found that through the process of voluntary, mutual exchange that the productivity and hence, the living standards of all participants in exchange will increase exponentially. Through this path men have learned how to avoid the "jungle law" of fighting over scarce resources so that A can only acquire them at the expense of B and instead multiply those resources enormously in peaceful and harmonious exchange. This is the "economic means" of acquiring wealth and alleviating poverty: one of production and exchange.

The other way is simpler in that it does not require productivity. It only requires the forcible seizure of another's goods, money or services by the use of force, violence or the threat of violence. This is the method of which the great German sociologist Franz Oppenheimer called "the political means" to wealth. This is the parasitic method, for instead of increasing production it subtracts and even discourages it. It lowers the incentive of people to be innovative, to be creative and productive. This is the method of the State, of centralised government. This is the misguided policy of taxation, of the so-called taking from the rich to give to the poor. For it is in this taking, this "political means", is the community damaged for all. No solution is this to the problem of poverty for through this policy of forcible seizure of taxation is the productive incentives of man destroyed: one is punished for being able to produce under the guise of a distribution of wealth of which the State has no actual right to determine to allocate.

In turn, the "political means" of taking from A to give to B is not the solution for a prosperous life for man in the world for it destroys, it does not create. It subtracts and does not add. Only the "economic means" of peaceful exchange between free peoples, unhindered by the whims of those who call themselves "the State" can result in prosperity for all. 

29 June, 2015

On Bismillah

Physics can be an eye-opener. Not only opening one's eyes to the wonders of the machinations of this universe but also to the metaphysics behind how this reality is structured and the teachings of religion.

You see, I've been reading the book "The Fabric of the Cosmos" by Brian Greene, reknowned physicist and writer of popular books on physics and cosmology. In this particular tome, he explains the mysterious and often befuddling concepts of space, time and the structure of reality. Here's the part where I was dumbstruck by what I was reading:

Reality is not what we think it is.

I shall spare you the details, as I am sure you may be piqued sufficiently enough to go read the book yourself. Suffice it to say that the concept of Einstein's Special Relativity and quantum mechanics implies that the past, the future and the now are illusions. Time seems to flow forwards, yet time has already happened. Everything that ever was and everything that ever will be, by implications of the relativity of spacetime has happened, is happening and already has happened.

What does this mean?

Are we in delusion by the inexhorable forward march of time and reality we see around us? Are our efforts in vain if everything has happened? Is there no space for us to make a difference in the outcomes of our actions? This seems so.

If you're reading this and you're muslim, you may be familiar with what the Qur'an says with regards to the reality of the universe of this world, and that everything in it has been preordained:

"Verily, We have created all things with Qadar (Divine Preordainments of all things before their creation, as written in the Book of Decrees Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz)." Surah Al Qamar (54):49

"And everything, small and big is written (in Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz already beforehand i.e. before it befalls, or is done by its doer)" Surah Al Qamar (54):53

"No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz), before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allah." Surah Al Hadid (57):22

Amazingly the understanding of the physics mentioned above is affirmed very nicely by these ayaat. Allah has created everything beforehand, and physics theoretically has affirmed that spacetime, that combination of events and time, are possibly existing all at the same time. In other words, the past, present and future are existing. This is too awe-inspiringly mind blowing to not be coincidence.

So what of it?

Yet, Allah has guided us to make effort. There is qadr and there is qadha. How do we reconcile this if everything has been set by Allah?

Tawakkal: the concept that we may and must exert effort to reach our goals, but it is Allah that sets the outcome. Couple this teaching with Allah admonishing us to start everything we do with his name, with Bi ism allah (bismillah, in the name of Allah) and all that we do from then on becomes a form of ibaadah for us, a form of worship. We may, in the grand scheme of Allah's plan, not get what we want, but our effort to get there by turning our mundane acts into devotion to Allah is why we say that holiest of names: to give ourselves the gift of pahala in everything we do, despite everything being pre-ordained. And that is the ultimate reward of our submission to Allah in everything we do: jannah, heaven, eden, the Garden, Paradise, the ultimate of rewards of what we are striving for, and not the ephemeral rewards of this finite world.

Remember Your Blessings

Ameer-ul Mukminin, Hadhrat Ali (Karram-allahu Wajhahu) mengatakan:

"Saya telah memilih dari Tauraat Shareef dua belas pernyataan dan saya renungkan pernyataan-pernyataan ini tiga kali setiap harinya."

Berikut ini adalah dua belas pernyataan tersebut:


# Hai manusia! Janganlah takut kepada syetan dan raja apapun selama Kekuasaan Aku masih bertahan.

# Hai manusia! Jangan pernah khawatir atas rezekimu selama kamu masih menemukan harta saya untuk diisi. Harta Aku tidak pernah berkurang ataupun habis.

# Hai manusia! Ketika kamu menjadi tak berdaya dalam urusan apapun, panggillah Aku, dan pasti kamu akan menemukanKu. Akulah pemberi segala sesuatu dan segala kebaikan.

# Hai manusia! Yakinlah bahwa Aku menganggap kamu sebagai temanKu. Oleh karena itu kamu, bertemanlah dengan Aku.

# Hai manusia! Janganlah pernah kamu tidak takuti Aku hingga kamu telah menyeberangi Jembatan (di Qiyaamah).

# Hai manusia! Aku telah menciptakan kamu dari tanah, sperma dan darah yang menggumpal. Aku tidaklah tanpa daya yang sempurna saat membuat kamu, jadi bagaimana kemudian Aku bisa tanpa daya memberi makan kamu? Mengapa kamu kemudian mencari dari orang lain?

# Hai manusia! Aku telah menciptakan segala sesuatu untuk kamu dan, Aku telah menciptakan kamu untuk Ibaadah saya. Tapi kamu telah terjebak dalam apa yang telah dibuat untuk melayani kamu dan kamu telah pergi jauh dari Aku demi memenuhi kepentingan orang lain.

# Hai manusia! Semua ciptaanKu berpamrih atas sesuatu untuk diri mereka sendiri sementara saya menginginkan hanya kebaikan untuk kamu sendiri, tetapi kamu lari dari Aku.

# Hai manusia! Kamu menjadi tidak senang denganKu karena keinginan nafsumu, tetapi tidak pernah kamu menjadi tidak senang dengan nafsumu demi Aku.

# Hai manusia! Ibaadat kepadaKu adalah kewajiban kamu, dan atasKu adalah kewajiban memberi makan kamu. Namun, kebanyakan kamu lali dalam tugasmu, sementara Aku tidak pernah lalai dalam memberi makan kamu.

# Hai manusia! Kamu mencari kepastian rezeki masa depan bahkan di hari ini, namun Aku tidak pernah meminta dari kamu Ibaadat masa depanmu.

# Hai manusia! Kamu selamanya akan kekal dalam kedamaian dan kenyamanan jikalau kamu puas dengan apa yang telah Aku berikan kepada kamu. Jika kamu tidak puas dengan itu, Aku akan tetapkan rasa keserakahan atas seisi dunia atasmu. Ia kemudian akan menyebabkan kamu untuk berlari dari tiang ke tiang dan dari pintu ke pintu dengan penuh kehinaan dan kemudian itupun juga kamu akan mendapatkan hanya apa yang telah ditakdirkan untuk kamu.

30 August, 2011

New tools! New workflow!

Windows Live Writer to post to this blog!

Freemind for a personal dashboard!

MyLifeOrganised for a project & task lister!

Brainstorm for an all purpose outliner! (need to purchase this one though)

KeynoteNF for an all purpose notebook and jotter!

01 April, 2008

25 September 2007 -

25 September 2007

Pada dasarnya, memang I want to see incompetence punished and humiliated and proven wrong for all to see. Come to think of it isn’t that rather sadistic? And arrogant? Rooted in a desire to have and assert power over others? Establishing a superiority based on knowledge, intelligence and brainpower?

This email is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential and may also be privileged. Any form of unauthorized use or dissemination is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient or if this email is otherwise sent to you in error, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this email and you should delete it immediately and notify us. Thank you.

30 March, 2008

Back online with a desktop client

After, how many hours, I can't remember, but for sure long enough to induce flashes in my eyes- never a good sign that- finally gotten this desktop client to connect to blogger.

Why google has to go change their protocols is a mystery to an IT layperson such as me. heh

04 January, 2007

Reading List

What I’m currently planning on reading:
Galbraith, John Kenneth, “Economics and the Public Purpose”
Lewis, Arthur W., “The Theory of Economic Growth”

What I’ve just finished reading today:
Galbraith, John Kenneth, “The Affluent Society”

I’ll post a review of this book as soon as I can. While I agree and presumed that much of what he said privately, Galbraith confirmed those suspicions in an eloquent style and witty grace.

28 October, 2006

Sophisticated paper edition

Friday’s edition of the national daily Kompas contained varied thought provoking articles; much more intellectual and sophisticated than the usual throwaway reports on fashion and articles. Perhaps people have had more time to reflect during the holidays.

I’ve saved some of the papers and intend to hook-up with the intellectuals that have generously spared their time to share their views. It’s an opportunity to explore my depth and breadth of interest.

27 February, 2006

Out of bed at 10:54 am, but actually awake at 6:15 am. Added more sleep time because it was difficult to sleep after 2 am with Khasha crying and Keyvan up mewing for his milk.

Still have a sore throat. It’s been 2 weeks now I’ve had some form of flu. The week of 13 - 19 February was particularly rough.

Now since the 21st of February I have had a cough and a sore throat. I think it is time for me to see the doctors.pt

pt uob kayhian securities
sona topas tower lantai 2
Jl. Jend. Sudirman kav 26
David Chang (Head of Research)

PT Dongsuh Kolibindo Securities
Graha Irama Lt. 6 D
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. 1-2
Jakarta 12950
Tel. : (62-21) 526-1326
Fax. : (62-21) 526-1320

Head of Research: Dicky Hendar Wirawan
Receptionist/gatekeeper: Gita

9:23 pm
Now, I’ve sent emails to UOB Kay Hian and Dongsuh, probed several email addresses. One should stick. Calling them up to confirm receipt and arrange interview, and/or necessity of submitting printed application.

Contact from Azrul:
Howard Chu,

PT Mahanusa Investment Management
Menara Sudirman
19th Floor
Jl Jend Sudirman Kav. 60, Jakarta 12190, Indonesia


Menara Sudirman 19th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 60
Jakarta 12190
ph. : 522 6668
fax.: 522 6669

Contact Person : Widjaja Tanadi

22 January, 2006


So is reading a waste of time? I have only such a finite amount of it. Neither do I wish to squander it on activities which I cannot profit from.

Or is this a wrong way of seeing how to use one's time to good effect? I feel the keyboard of this little computer to be unbearable. it's fighting me all the way.

I am a perfectionist. and this must be dealt with. I was replaced because of my perfectionism.

15 January, 2006

Entrepreneurial spirit released

There is bright spot. Creative entrepreneurial juices seem to be
flowing. The time that's been freed up has afforded the opportunity
to explore ideas I've been wanting to try:
- do a small-scale biz --> gain experience managing biz with all its
trials, tribulations and triumphs
- time to publish the book
- talk with and explore hi-level connections -->

- Meanwhile, do an independent research blog. See if I'm really
interested in pursuing the markets.

14 January, 2006

It just hit me

It just hit me. I might have sleep apnoea. I've been having
difficulty getting a good night's rest. Even if I sleep long I'm
rarely fresh and energised the next day.

This sucks

This sucks. It's a first and it sucks.

09 January, 2006

Do I think I have writers' block? There's a whole gaggle of interesting stuff to write on in my list of ideas. I guess it's the perceived time constraint that's immobilised purposeful, actual writing. In other words: ought not to leave the time to wasted effort. Root of procrastination. Mine at least.

08 January, 2006

Check this out to pursue my PhD


What They Don’t Teach You in Graduate School:
Paul Gray and David E. Drew at Inside Higher Ed has a detailed article on tips for an academic career for Ph.D. students. The article has two parts - first, it describes tips on completing dissertation and finding a first job. Second, it talks about in detail on teaching and service, research, and grants. Here [...]

With some free time had the opportunity to clean up my communication tools: email, blogsetup, spring-cleaning. Now the Mac is starting to feel like the olden times. But, it's still off to cash conversion, as it's taking up much real estate in this smallish living space we have.

05 January, 2006

Physical specimen to behold

Lifting up the weights. oh, a joy to roll and not be encumbered with the results.

Got a Gmail permanent email

I have a new gmail email account from an invite from Aji. Thanks man.

The email is yumamaris at gmail dot com

23 December, 2005

Look at ma boy!

Keyvan's first passport pic.
Took three tries to get this one
 Posted by Picasa

21 December, 2005

So tired. Not enough sleep for the past two days. Working hard. Enjoying it. But so tired today, to the point of being nauseous.

05 December, 2005

Of markets and incentives

Of markets and incentives
Paralysis by analysis. Do not succumb to that trap.

17 November, 2005


This has been a long habit of mine: difficulty relaxing or falling asleep or being in the now as there is a nagging feeling that there is something I have to do. Do you have this compulsion? What is it? What's causing it, and most importantly, is there really something I have to do?

30 September, 2005

Khasha the Second

Here's baby Khasha! Welcome to the world baby!

Hey, why won't ecto let me upload a photo to blogger? or is it the other way around?

Here's baby Khasha! Welcome to the world baby!

Hey, why won't ecto let me upload a photo to blogger? or is it the other way around?

04 July, 2005

welcome back to blog land

After several months' hiatus of blogging, I'm now back with a vengeance due to the convenience and simplicity of this new offline blog client I'm using to write this post on: ecto.

blogging's promise of being a fun and productive pastime looks set to becoming reality my friends.

19 March, 2005

6.3.05 - Sunday Morning

Wake up at 10am. House empty, 'cept for Renata. Looking for handphone on the web. New models that I'm looking for ultimately coming out in the 2nd quarter, that's but 2 more months from now. Seems that Nokia's fancy schmancy phones may not have caught on as they'd hoped for - they're now moving to a 'classic' phone campaign & model set.

Go out for lunch with Keke, on her - first paycheck from SKII :)Keyvan, Keke, myself at PI Mall's Outback Steakhouse (again! becoming an expensive habit this)

Bought more folders and this nice gel pen to jot down stuff & thoughts

Started filing stuff at home. Keke got infectious with the organising
bug hehehe

Now using the new Hipster PDA to jot down notes & stuff.... documents
organised, repository for brain farts in the HPDA. And I'm actually
getting things done and moving forward. Now I get what that Allen guy's
been diggin'.

7.3.05 Tuesday

Woke up today none too fresh. Insides felt really tired; must be b/c of
the flu and late night falling asleep with Keke.
Another day of being a smoke free non smoker.
Flu started on Friday - that was the worst. Thought I'd pass out during
Friday prayers.


testing post via email

24 August, 2004

Keyvan says: "I like the wrapping more than the inside!" Posted by Hello

Organisational Processes

Why have individual sales goals? Why not have a complete picture and foster more performance with team level goals, in essence actually making the "whole greater than the sum of its parts". Where I'm working everything is truly a mystery..

Cessation, Emotions & Control

Cessation triggers volatile emotions; it may be withdrawal response. I was immediately ticked off at a message I receieved on my cell; the lazy uncouthness of fellow work colleagues at Citibank is increasingly ever amazing.

23 August, 2004

Keyvan says "blurrbb" Posted by Hello

Post 01 = Budding Writer - Free Exercises

As everyone must know already, this is the obligatory "Hello World" introductory post. Nothing fancy and special here, except for the fact that I'm starting to use the web to blog. What brought me here is the urge I have had since I was a teen to write seriously. I've had letters published, articles in school magazines, and even started several times writing a book based on my thesis.

All good stuff, but I never ventured out into actually finishing something to be published seriously. Perhaps it was fear of success, perhaps it was fear of failure; demons, personal demons that have no bearing on one's ability, capability, potential nor reality.

So, here's this blog as my creative outlet to get my juices going, my writing journal, thought repository. In time, I hope to have this blog document my growing maturity in life, my opinions, and writing. A Word doc journal would not just be as fun, knowing no one besides myself would have the opportunity to read it!